Glassfiber wall coverings

Glassfiber wall coverings

Glassfiber wall coverings is a type of wall cladding with high durability and strength. It is known on the European market since the 1960s. The starting material for the production of wallpapers is glass fiber. In the weaving process arise wallpapers with different patterns: from simple canvas to herringbone, slanted stripes to diamonds.

The glass fabric is saturated with a special preparation that gives the wallpaper a so-called paper grip and makes the wallpaper resistant to soaking with water. Glassfiber wall coverings can be glued on any carrier substrate: concrete, plaster, drywall, chipboard, wood, plastic and metal.

Increasingly, we also meet them in our country, both in public facilities (offices, schools, hotels, banks, museums, offices, restaurants, hospitals) as well as in housing. An interesting area for the use of fiberglass wallpapers is old construction and construction from a large slab, where under the wallpaper you can “hide” plaster cracks.

The area of ​​wallpaper applications is limited only by the ingenuity of architects. Various weaving patterns of wallpapers allow for individual shaping of the character of the rooms. The production of glassfiber wall coverings offered by AKE does not use admixtures of other types of fibers.

Glassfiber wall coverings have PZH approval and are non-flammable. Glassfiber wall coverings are approved for use in the EU.

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    – Siatki AKE, wspólny nadruk AKE® / Vertex®
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    AKE-NET Tomaszewski, Wilk Spółka Jawna
    ul. Partyzancka 110/112
    95-200 Pabianice
    NIP 7312045996
    KRS 0000612216


    +48 42 215 02 90